Donations are essential for the running of the Isle of Man Woodland Trust. You can also donate specifically for planting trees if you mention this in the donation reference. Each tree costs us £6, meaning a donation of £30 would equate to five new trees being planted in Manx soil.
While you wouldn’t have a specific tree to visit, you can receive a digital certificate which you can email, print or share to social media. You are welcome to come along to any of our events during the season to help us to plant the trees you have contributed towards.
Bank transfers are our preferred method but cheques are also possible. Our bank details at the Isle of Man Bank are as follows:
Account name: Isle of Man Woodland Trust
Sort code: 55-91-10
Account number: 14517965
Reference: Donation (or christmas trees/memberships/..)
Please let us know when you have sent the payment. If you like a digital certificate, please include this information. If you like to donate via cheque, please email us.
Underneath are some examples of a digital certificate for your donation. We also have other themes. If that is of interest to you, our membership secretary Clara Barker is the best person to contact. Her email address is

Please note trees will be planted on private and public land. It will be up to the land owner to decide matters on public access. The Isle of Man Woodland Trust owns only very small patches of land as our charity tries to maximise the number of trees to be planted with donated money.
We only fund trees for land owners who are deemed trustworthy. We do not hand out trees to land owners without being convinced of their right intentions.
The decisions where funds for trees go to are made by the directors of the Isle of Man Woodland Trust at our meetings, which are open for the public to attend.